Guide for Removal of Pigeons from Under Solar Panels

A solar panel is an excellent addition to any house. The unfortunate thing about solar panels is they provide the perfect safe haven for pigeons to nest and take shelter under. This guide was created to provide methods for preventing pigeons from setting up shop under your solar panels. Utilizing one of these five techniques means you can enjoy all the amenities of solar panels without having to worry about pigeons crashing the party.


  • Bird Spikes: An excellent option for preventing a pigeon problem before it begins is to install bird spikes. These spikes are constructed of long metal wire, that is affixed to the surface where these pesky birds like to land. These bird spikes are highly regarded as one of the best bird deterrent devices. Bird spikes are also a humane solution to an unsightly pigeon problem.

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  • Bird Mesh: Another great option in bird control and removal is the installation of a bird mesh. This method of bird control is an inconspicuous mesh that attaches to the sides of your solar panels and prevents pigeons from getting under them. The nice feature of bird mesh is it still lets air circulate under the panels, which can be vital for the continued operation of the devices. Because of these factors, bird mesh is one of the best options for the prevention of pigeons under solar panels.

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  • Supersonic Noise Generator: Another excellent method of stopping pigeons from roosting under your solar panels is a supersonic bird distress generator. Pigeons are very vocal birds and use distress signals to communicate danger. A prime way to take advantage of this and use it for your own needs is to install a supersonic noise generator. A great thing about these devices is some models can be set to deter any bird, not just pigeons. The noise generator can do this, all while emitting sound above the frequencies that are audible to humans. This delivers a humane and invisible solution for controlling pigeons.


  • Plastic Predator Decoys: Plastic predators are not quite as effective as other options on the list. However, installing a plastic predator can be a good alternative if used in conjunction with the noise generator. This low-cost method can be a little unsightly, however, and does require some strategy as well. It is best to go with a hawk decoy to deter pigeons because they hunt during the day when pigeons are active. Also vital for this method is to periodically move the decoy or install it on a spring to make it appear less static.


Now you should be armed with four separate options for defending your solar panels from a pesky pigeon problem. Using any of these methods is a great way to provide relief from pigeons and their unsightly droppings in a humane and straightforward way. For a more effective way of deterring pigeons, you can even combine several of the following methods. Following this guide for pigeon removal is a great way to enjoy your solar panels and stop a pigeon problem before it begins.