What Are My Options When Dealing With Feral Or Stray Cats?

Having uninvited cats on your property, can be an unpleasant experience. As cute as they can be, stray or feral cats can create havoc in your home, from urinating and making the place smell horrible, to taking ownership of your yard to the point that you can’t come out for fear of being attacked. Especially if there is kittens involved to be protected. And what about flea infestations and other health hazards that cat colonies can bring about? Yep, that happens too.

So What Can You Do When Cats Invade Your Home?

When faced with urban wildlife most of us city civilians don’t know what to do. And cats whether Feral or Stray, are not different. So who do you call to remove stray cats from your yard, business or home?

What are the laws and regulations for trapping and removing cats?

Will the city trap and remove these cats for free? They must! Right?

Here at, All Star Animal Trapping, we have answers and feral cat trapping solutions for you.

The first thing you need to know is that the city will not trap and remove these cats for you due to the lawsuit that the City faced back in 2008. They don’t even rent traps anymore for you to do it yourself. They have a “Citywide Cat Program” (E1907610) that provides funds and city facilities to deliver workshops on how to deal with any animal related problem in the city including cats.

They have increased the number of cats allowed per household from 3 to 5 so that families can adopt more cats from shelters and they are now working together with organizations that already implement a TNR Program (Trap, Neuter, Release). Where these organizations come to your property, set traps, come back and take the trapped cats to get spayed or neuter, cut their ear to mark them as fixed and proceed to take the cat back to your property.

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This is a great solution for cat colony caregivers whose colonies are getting out of hand and need to control the numbers. Some non-caregivers resort to this solution since it’s free of charge and they don’t mind having the cats around, however someone else is doing the feeding and caring for them such as a neighbor.

Most TNR organizations think that, that is the only solution to stray and feral cat colony city invasion and control, due to the fact that permanently removing them from the property will create a vacuum that will then get filled up by a new colony.

That’s why the city’s new Cat Program focuses in providing support to these organizations and in providing facilities to educate the public in dealing with this problem.

If this is a workable solution for you, if you don’t mind the little creatures and would like to just make sure they are fixed so they don’t reproduce like rabbits in spring time, your best bet is to contact a group or organization that offers a T.N.R program. One of them is Fixnation. They are a California nonprofit public benefit corporation. They offer TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release) programs to help reduce the amount of homeless cats wondering about.

To fill out their application, click here:


And don’t forget to donate to this organization so that they can keep doing what they do!

I want them out of my property now!

So what about those of you whose home has been invaded without your consent? And what if costly harm to your property has been done by a cat colony? What about colonies that are already big enough to create an unsafe environment for you, your family and pets? What if the crazy cat lover lady you have as a neighbor doesn’t know when enough is enough and keeps attracting all cat colonies in the city by providing food, water, and shelter for them and they just keep reproducing non-stop?

What Are Your Options Then?

Well, you have the right to consider feral cat trapping, and remove from your property any uninvited guests. For that, you have 2 options:

1. Hire a licensed company like us to trap and remove the cats from your property.

Here is what needs to happen…

First, we will send a technician out who will perform an inspection of your property. He will then go to the nearest shelter and pull out a permit. This permit allows us to trap cats and bring them to the shelter once caught. The first part of this permit process is to post notifications that the shelter provides for us. We must post them around your neighborhood in 300 radius to let people know that we will be trapping cats, so that, if their cat disappears, they know what shelter to look for.

Once the notifications have been posted for 1 week, we can start the trapping program. We will come back to your property and set 2 traps that you keep for 2 weeks.

Every time you catch a cat, we will come back and take it to the shelter.

Please contact us for pricing and details.

2. You can do it yourself. If you have humane traps, you can go to the nearest shelter and pull out the permit, post the notifications and set the traps after a week has passed and you have gotten the actual permit from the shelter.

You can actually do either option yourself whether is TNR to remove them: You can get the permit, trap them and take them to the shelter or to the vet or to a low-cost organization and get them fixed, then take them back to your neighborhood.

Now you know what your options are.

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us. We are here to help! (323) 540 2011.